Review of Book 1, Education Essays From My Perspective: 50 Years as a Professional Educator Offering Pearls of Wisdom For Your Journey.

So, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Your Journey Continues!


What a comprehensive, thought-provoking book, with essays and situations based upon her extensive research and her 50 years of experience as an educator in the civilian and military world. I can verify that what Dr. Marsha Diane Akau Wellein writes about is the absolute truth!

Dr. Wellein provides 72 chapters which includes 16 pages of cited references, and additional name & subject indexes. This book should be required reading for educators, parents, school administrators, politicians, and all those interested in improving all levels of education.

Her four main sections cover Teaching – Heaven or Hell (19 chapters); Professional Development: Truth or Consequences (19 chapters); Test, Evaluate, Plan: Does it Work (15 chapters); and finally, Communication & Leadership: Is it Possible (19 chapters).

I especially enjoyed her “Pearls of Wisdom” and notable quotations from famous individuals which begin each chapter. Sign me, a very satisfied reader!

Abdul Ali, Deputy Director, U.S. Army Reserve Education Services (Ret) responsible for the education of some 200,000 Army Reservists, 10,000 affiliated civilians - all in 2,075 military units operating in all 50 U.S. States, 5 U.S. Territories, and 30 countries.

Teacher Info

When I read [Wellein’s] latest Book [1] I was not surprised at all by its organization, ease to read and insight into public education. The book should be required reading of anyone interested in becoming a teacher regardless of the field. Her experience in Public Education and the Army Civilian Education program gives her great insight! I look forward to her next book.

Charles Dennis Fritts
Army Continuing Education System, 31 Years, Ret. & 17 Years in Elementary Education & Professor of Postsecondary Education


I worked with Dr. Wellein for five years on the island of Guam in the late 1970s. She was always an inspiring teacher and coworker and provided lots of educational workshops. She had a huge amount of experience and could always come up with new and helpful ideas. Read her Book 1.

Michele Drayton, M.Ed.,
Former Title I Reading Teacher, Seattle, Washington State and Guam (Ret.), & International Longshore & Warehouse Union, Seattle, WA
Reviewed in 2022

Great educational essays from a person with a wide variety of experiences over many years.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Dr. Marsha Wellein's educational essays. Because of her large number of varied experiences, she shares her pearls of wisdom gained over fifty years. Both new and veteran teachers can certainly benefit from reading this book.

Dr. Donald K. Maas
Professor Emeritus
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, California
January 1, 2022

Teamwork and Constant Communication

I think that Book 1 is great. It offers many realistic ideas to educators throughout America. I used the techniques I had learned from working with the author during my teaching. I plan to read Book 2 soon.

Flo Conrad,M.Ed.,
Teacher, Guam & California, Retired.
January 10, 2022

Book 1 is Encyclopedic!

You, Marsha Wellein, always had the energy, talent, intelligence to communicate in all methods from verbal to this most extensive production [Education Essays from My Perspective: 50 Years as a Professional Educator Offering Pearls of Wisdom for Your Journey, Book 1.]

It is gratifying to know that we’ve made a positive impact on so many! And we have! I maintain that you were far one of the most independent, resourceful, caring, successful special staff I had the honor knowing at Army Reserve, HI.

Colonel Marcia Andrews
U.S. Army (Retired, 30 years of active duty & reserve), Many Bases, Units, Locations

An Authority

Dr. Wellein uses the subject of education to address many social-political matters. I am awed by this creativity. It is one thing to write, but another to write with authority. She does not only write with authority here; she is an authority. There is absolutely no guesswork. She is experienced in what she wants to pass [on]. I recommend [Book 1] to anyone . . . in education.

Online Book Club


She Speaks from Authority

Dr. Marsha Wellein was an outstanding Educator for the U.S. Army Continuing Education (ACES) program. Marsha was never afraid of tough assignments and serving in very remote locations as you can see from her biography. There is hardly anyone more qualified to discuss adult education than Marsha. What I liked most about [Book 1] was the interesting way it was presented and obviously with a lot of thought.

Dr. Wellein has experience and great skills in working with military personnel and their family members - from the very basic skills programs (reading, writing and arithmetic), technical programs, distance learning, managing learning centers to coordinating college programs from the associate degree level all the way through doctoral programs. She can speak with authority in Education Essays from My Perspective: 50 Years as a Professional Educator Offering Pearls of Wisdom for Your Journey, Book 1 as she has been a practitioner for her entire working career.

J. Willard (Will) Williams, M.Ed.,
Director of Education, U.S. Army, Washington DC; Army Education Services, Ret., 33 years Education Officer, MO., Korea, HI, GA, Germany; 1995 Military Educator of the Year Award; International Hall of Fame, Adult & Continuing Education & Distance Learning, 2010; Regional Manager, Franklin Covey Company for Leadership & Management Training.

Read Book 1

Marsha’s Book [1] would have helped me a lot when I first started teaching as it is written in a clear and precise way. Each chapter enlightens the reader about new ways of how to interact with the students, introduce new ideas and make learning fun rather than a chore. I would have her book in my classroom as the Number 1 reference book and would share it with all my colleagues. [Book 1] holds so many “Pearls” just ready to be used during the teaching day and should be recommended for required reading and enjoyment in Teacher Training Classes. I am very much looking forward to the next book.

Irene Anneliese Mann, M.Ed.,
Defense Language Institute, Lackland AFB, TX, Ret. Instructor, General & Specialized English in Orlando, FL., Slovenia, Slovakia, Sinai Egypt, Cairo, Kabul, & Abu Dhabi.

Review of Book 2 Continues : Education Essays From My Perspective: 50 Years as a Professional Educator Offering Pearls of Wisdom for Your Journey.

The second volume of Dr. Wellein’s two-volume education book set includes such wide-ranging topics as Multiculturalism, Prejudice, Racism, and Ethics (27 chapters), Change is the Only Constant (12 chapters), and Adult & Higher Education (11 chapters). As a former U.S. Navy veteran and retired civilian/military educator, her stories and articles resonate deeply with me.

Book Two can stand by itself; you do not necessarily need to read Book One for you to enjoy Book Two’s 51 stimulating chapters, although readers would benefit greatly if they read both books. She addresses such diverse issues as communication within a correctional facility, changes needed on an Army Reserve base, gender and race inequalities, the importance of higher education, and how to identify & avoid diploma mills. Numerous articles pertain to challenges experienced by elementary and high school administrators & teachers, Job Corps racism, and how adults learn best. Go ahead and read this book for yourself!

Abdul Ali,  Deputy Director, U.S. Army Reserve Education Services (Ret) responsible for the education of some 200,000 Army Reservists, and 10,000 affiliated civilians - all in 2,0756 military units operating in all 50 U.S. States, 5 U.S. Territories, and 30 countries.

Book 2 Education Essays From My Perspective: 50 Years as a Professional Educator Offering Pearls of Wisdom For Your Journey, Book  Reviews:

So, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Your Journey Continues!

Very Useful Book for Educators

What I like best about this book is two things: One, it covers a very wide range of subjects relating to education. Two, it is based on many years of hands-on experience. This is a practical book where teachers can get actual ideas to use in their classrooms. It also has a lot of useful ideas and thoughts relating to administration and educational policies.

Michele Drayton, M.Ed., Former  
Title I Reading Teacher, Seattle, Washington State  and Guam (Ret.), & International Longshore & Warehouse Union, Seattle, WA

A Life-long Learner

Dr. Wellein is truly a most remarkable lifelong learner, an inspiration to her peers, and a passionate speaker . . . [who] immensely enjoyed helping military members and their families pursue their educational dreams. Dr. Wellein has reflected upon her extensive career to assemble some precious ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ with the hope that her experience will inspire fellow educators and others.

Dr. Donna J. Duellberg, Program Manager, Voluntary Education Liaison Officer, Coast Guard Navy Community College Program, Wash. DC; Army Warrant Officer, Ret., Former Professor at 8 Universities, Undergraduate and Graduate.

Helpful ideas for teaching

I used this book in teaching ESL to adult students and found lots of helpful ideas to make the lessons more interesting and more fun for my students.

Irene Anneliese Mann, M.Ed., Defense Language Institute, Lackland AFB, TX, Ret. Instructor, General & Specialized English in Orlando, FL.,  Slovenia, Slovakia, Sinai Egypt, Cairo, Kabul, & Abu Dhabi.

This book offers Pearls of Wisdom

In Book 2 of Education Essays, Dr. Wellein continues the conversation from her Book 1, and discusses a myriad of topics: Multiculturalism, Prejudice, Racism, and Lies, then Change is the Only Constant, and finally, Adult & Higher Education: Life’s Challenges – from her viewpoint. She uses real-life experiences as a teacher (most grade levels, subjects, undergraduate and graduate college instructor on Guam and Hawaii), summer school principal, grants writer, military counselor, education officer, and education director to explain many theories and practical application of those theories, to offer Pearls of Wisdom to you in the process.

How do I know Dr. Wellein and what has she done for me?

I have had the privilege of knowing her for over half a century – okay, 53 years, to be exact. She has been a major force in my life, modeling behavior I needed to see, guiding me in my own educational journal; I finally earned by masters at age 32 – but who is counting! She once told me that there is no such thing as being too old to return to school or becoming skilled in something. After all, In one year, I would be a year older anyway, with or without the added education or skills! I took that sage advice and I am better because I did.

So dear readers, I strongly recommend, indeed greatly urge you to read this Book 2 (and of course, Book 1) and benefit from the Pearls of Wisdom for your own academic journey.

I am Nicholas Patrick Wellein, B.A., M.A., devoted youngest son, and can only sign this as

“U.S. Federal Agent, Government Employee,” but you can figure out the rest!