Books & Publications by Marsha Diane Akau Wellein
Education Essays From My Perspective: 50 Years as a Professional Educator Offering Pearls of Wisdom For Your Journey, Book 1, academic work on education published by MD Wellein, Inc., January 2021, written by Dr. Marsha Diane Akau Wellein, with technical editor Nicholas Patrick Wellein, senior editor Dr. Carole Freehan, graphic designer Samuel Sammy Naah, and photographer John Waipa, Registered by Library of Congress Catalog Control Number 202 900 728 ISBN 978-7364147-0-5 ($18.55); Available from Kindle ISBN number eBook 978-1-7364147-1-2
Education Essays From My Perspective: 50 Years as a Professional Educator Offering Pearls of Wisdom for Your Journey, Book 2, a continuation from Book 1, published by MD Wellein, Inc., December 2021, written by Dr. Marsha Diane Akau Wellein, with Technical Editor Nicholas Patrick Wellein, Senior Editor Dr. Carole Freehan, Graphic Designer Samuel Sammy Naah, and Photographer John Waipa Registered by Library of Congress Catalog Control Number 2021 900 728 ISBN: 978-1-736 4147-2-9 ($17.25); Available from Kindle ISBN number eBook 978-1-736 4147-3-6
Factors Associated with Army Reservists Using Educational Programs and Services at 9th Mission Support Command, by Marsha Diane Akau Wellein, a doctoral dissertation published in 2010, Hawaii (Available free from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database); UMI No. 3429228). URL: ProQuest Dissertation Express - Welcome! URL:
The Military Educator, a professional newsletter of the Commission on Military Education and Training. (Dr. Clinton L. Andy Anderson, Editor.) Author of the following articles: Be All You Can Be, The True Meaning of Adult Education: Vol. 4, No. 3: Sept 1996, The James Eddie Thompson Story. Vol 5, No. 1: Dec 1996, The PV2 Anthony Gilbert Story. Vol. 12, No. 2: Aug 2004, The Steven Hebrank Story. Vol 13, No. 2: July 2005, The Scott Martin Story. (See Articles in Education Essays Book 1 & 2.)
Dr. Clinton L Anderson, Service Members Opportunity Colleges – REMEMBERING THOSE WHO HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE IN UNITED STATES MILITARY VOLUNTARY EDUCATION. This book profiles 213 individuals and leaders who have made significant contributions in providing service members and veterans access to education and making their education relevant by promoting academic recognition of military learning. Dr. Wellein is an entry in this important reference book.
ARMY.MIL – Education Fair Offers Support in Saipan – June 2010
Department of Education, State of Hawaii, Testimony, 2017
An Annotated Bibliography on ESL and Bilingual Education in Guam and Other Areas of Micronesia (ED299832), by author Nicholas Goetzfridt, sponsored by Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Washington D.C., (see Dr. Wellein page 88). This bibliography is available on a non-profit basis from the University of Guam Bookstore, U.O.G. Station, Mangilao, Guam, 96923. This is an Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) document.
The Endless Summer – An Adventure Story of Guam by Dr. Wellein, a hardback children’s chapter book (Juvenile fiction), published in 1976, Vantage Press, New York, First Edition. ISBN 5333-01409-3 Library of Congress 74-83228, presently out of print.
Other articles by Marsha Diane Akau Wellein
Innovation in Learning Communities, a Collaboration of U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Army Reserve Education Programs and Services, Dr. Duellberg, D. J., & Dr. Wellein, M. D., March 18, 2011, De Quarterly, DEHub Journal, No. 7, Autumn 11, & Speakers at the ODLAA Education Summit: Global Challenges and Perspectives of Blended and Distance Education, Government of Australia, Sydney, Australia published March 8, 2011. Also presented this material following a worldwide competition in Sydney, Australia at the DEHub (Innovations in Distance Learning), a prestigious international symposium. The Education Summit 2011-2021, Global Challenges and Perspectives on Blended and Distance Learning was funded by the Australian Government Dept. of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. Selected to represent the U.S. military (all services) at this Summit.
Kalihi Kids Can Communicate, Editor, a Language Arts Resource Book for educators, published in 1976, Honolulu, Hawaii; Trude M. Akau, author. Multiple Library Locations in Hawaii!258572~!3100001~!3100002&aspect=subtab32&menu=search&ri=1&source=~!horizon&term=Akau%2C+Trude+Michelson.&index=PAUTHOR
Day Care Centers on Guam, an extensive 137–page study in 1973, available at the University of Guam Library System, Richard Flores Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center (MARC), Mangilao, Guam, Call Number HV 861.G8 W4 1973.^SUBJECT^GENERAL^^words+or+phrase&user_id=WEBSERVER
Biographical Entries
Biographical Entry in: Who's Who in America – 2022, 75th Edition, Who’s Who; 2012, 66th Edition (pub. 2011); Who's Who in America - 2011, 65th Edition (pub. 2010); Who's Who in America - 2010, 64th Edition (pub. 2009); Who's Who in America - 2009, 63rd Edition (pub. 2008); Who's Who in America - 2008, 62nd Edition (pub. 2007); Who's Who in America - 2007, 61st Edition (pub. 2006); Who's Who in the World - 2010, 27th Edition (pub. 2009); Who's Who in the World - 2010, 27th Edition (pub. 2009), 2007, 24th Edition (pub. 2006); Who's Who of American Women - 2010-2011, 28th Edition (pub. 2010); Who's Who of American Women - 2008-2009, 27th Edition (pub. 2008); Who's Who of American Women - 2007, 26th Edition (pub. 2006); Who's Who of American Women - 2006-2007, 25th Edition (pub. 2005); International Who’s Who of Intellectuals, 1982-1983, International Register of Profiles, 1984-1985 Cambridge, England; Directory of Distinguished Americans and the Dictionary of International Biography, 1979-1981
Biographical Entry in Marquis Who's Who Honors: the 2021 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award, featured in the Lifetime Achievement section of Who’s Who in America for more than 20 years of excellence in education.
Biographical Entry in Remembering Those Who Have Made a Difference in United States Military Voluntary Education, 2006 by Dr. Clinton L. Andy Anderson, Department of Defense & Service members Opportunities Colleges, Washington D.C.